Friday, July 10, 2009

post op check up...good news

Just a quick note from the hospital. JJ's echo was the same as the last one. It is good that it is not getting worse and we are allowed to leave!! Concerns for his weight. I thought he was gaining but he actually lost. Another appointment in 1 1/2 weeks. More later w/ photos.

As you can see, Isaac eased Jerry into his check up. It was very helpful to have him around. Jerry was screaming during his echo test and Isaac sang to him and he calmed right down. He doesn't usually cry for the echos but I am sure he was afraid that he was starting over with everything he had been through.

Jerry is eating better than he used to but not as good as in the hospital. He unfortunately is back to an ounce here and an ounce there of formula. It was so nice when, at the end of the hospital stay, he would drink 5-6 ounces at a time and be done for a while. Hopefully, he will just improve as our house gets back to normal but we will be trying higher calorie formula and feeding him lots of fattening things that we all love to eat.
He is waking and crying a lot (I mean a lot....every 20 to 30 minutes for long spurts, maybe a few 1 to 2 hour spurts) during sleep...naps and at night. That could be several different things but we are mostly thinking it is stomach pain from his aspirin. At about midnight I usually can tell if it is going to be the same and I give him a does of Tylenol with codeine. Next week we can hopefully start to figure that out more if he has not improved.

Mostly, Jerry is so back to normal. It is pretty amazing...he is climbing all over (we really have to watch that) and being silly and playful. He is somewhat attached to me right now but getting better at being with his "Grammy and Nonno."

I don't think I emphasized enough how happy we are that all was ok today. We have been so anxious just knowing that time off the IV meds could have made it his heart worse and they might tell us he needs more of them. John's parents have been so great and even stayed today to make sure we would be coming home. So now all is well and good results expected at the appointment on the 22nd. Thanks to everyone for worrying and celebrating with us!

1 comment:

  1. I've been thinking and praying for you -- I worked all weekend, so haven't had time to call! Great news here on the blog! :)
