Tuesday, July 21, 2009

CCMH appt. tomorrow

Tomorrow is our 2nd post op appointment. I am anxious but excited that maybe something has improved. Jerry is sleeping better and eating a little better. That really just means that he is accepting some food .... he gets a few tablespoons of rice or noodles every day for the last 3-4 days. He is drinking about 21 or 22 ounces of formula... 27 calorie. He was throwing up and eating way less on the 30 calorie made with oil. JJ is so ready to walk and is getting pretty annoyed with some of the limits we have to place on him for a few more weeks. I guess that is a really good sign!

I have so many things that I want to write about from the past week or so. After the update about tomorrow hopefully I can get to that and adding some photos.
Thanks again to everyone for your continued concern!

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