Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Maybe turning a corner...

Jerry definitely slept better last night without any codeine (we have given it to him once every night). He ate less during the night which is good since I think he drank that much more during the day instead. At one point today he drank 2 1/2 oz without stopping!!! That was huge when looking at the last 4-5 days. It still wasn't easy. He refused it at first even though I know he was hungry. He sometimes has to be in just the right position which is often laying across my lap with his feet at my belly and head at my knees. I have no idea why that is. He also ate 7 baby spoons of pastina (alfredo style for calories!). He finished with about 20 oz of formula for the day including 5 from the middle of the night. Not too bad really. We tried the pediasure a little bit into his regular formula. Then we weren't sure if it was making him drink less or if it was bothering his stomach with the milk protein...it is so hard to tell and every decision with eating is so tough. So I am reading up on adding calories different ways and I think I will just call the nutritionist at CCMH tomorrow. I found so many options of calorie boosters on line that I just don't know what would be best. At least we do know that the not eating is because of his heart. His heart was functioning a little better at one point in the hospital from the IV meds and that is probably most of why he was eating better then. Doctors expect his heart to improve over time.
Here is a link to an amazing heart story if anyone cares to read...gives us great hope for Jerry's heart improving!! http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090714/ap_on_he_me/eu_med_heart_transplant

He was back to being really happy most of the day and very active. Better yet, he took a 3 hour nap without waking!! And best of all, (only a mother would probably understand) he is letting me comfort him like he used to. He will lay on me and snuggle. I cannot explain how wonderful that really is.

Pictures are from Sunday when we went to the Morton Arboretum to get away. It was hard to do because we are so behind on stuff around the house...but we needed a break. We had a great time and managed to keep JJ happy and distracted from any discomfort most of the time. Technical difficulty with the pictures. Will try tomorrow.

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