Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Waiting for the next adventure and hoping for none!

Jerry is doing OK with his cast. He tried to walk in it a little more today but he has been sick with a virus so that isn't helping much. I'm hoping this is a passing cold virus but he is pretty congested, coughing and miserable. No fever today so that was improvement. I keep wanting to say JJ can't catch a break....but I guess he did! He has now missed 2 sessions of Kid Rock music class (he's very upset about it, hehe). Not sure if we should just withdrawl. I need to see how many sessions there are to see if it is worth while.

Gigi left yesterday and we were sad to see her go. She was amazingly helpful, although we wish we didn't have "adventures" every time she was here! We plan to travel to Cleveland the week before Mother's day weekend and stay through the weekend. I am trying to get a flight in so the kids and I can go early since John won't be able to come until Friday night. This would be JJ's last free flight since he turns 2 on the 16th!! The logistics of getting to the airport are difficult and the good fares end tomorrow.

In the next few weeks we will have the test for cystic fibrosis, consult with an ENT, and hopefully have the cast removed on the 5th. Also trying to schedule to see an endocrinologist. All of this just to be absolutely sure there is nothing going on with eating and weight problems that we haven't uncovered yet.

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