Sunday, March 13, 2011

Couped Up for Nothing!

Jerry had a great day today with activity level and eating. Until dinner, when he refused to eat anything and suddenly got pretty fussy. He went to sleep quickly before 7 (even with the time adjustment) so I was a little worried. As I was just getting out of the shower I heard him crying and John was with him. He's quiet now. I am thinking he is going to get this chest cold thing that I have that has been seeming a little worse today. Isaac has been coughing more again but doesn't seem sick. I have laryngitis and am pretty out of breath and tired. I have tried to be careful in how close I get to him but now I am so afraid that he is getting it. He would have been better off this weekend having a weekend out and about! It may turn out to not be a big deal and I am hoping that we see him get through a few illnesses without too much weight loss or impact on his heart. Hopefully he will sleep through the night (except for his usual wake to drink formula) and he is not getting anything!

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