Sunday, April 10, 2011

Spring Is Here!

What a beautiful weekend! The kids played in the pool today and even with Jerry's cold (yes another one 4 days after finishing antibiotics) it seemed so good for him to be out playing in the sunshine. I think it wore him out as he did not complain when I insisted he come in after a few hours. He has just been laying on the couch saying "I'm really worn out!"

In between colds, we finally managed to get Jerry's hair cut. He looks older...growing up.

Got word that Dr. Towbin is reviewing Jerry's records and we will hear soon about scheduling a phone consultation.

Even with the news of a future heart transplant looming, this April does not seem near as stressful as last April when Jerry had broken his leg. We were thinking he might have a bone infection and luckily he just had to have a cast. But it was stressful knowing my little guy was in so much pain and that we didn't really realize the when it was first broken! That month last year was also speared by many doctor appointments and tests, including the awful test for cystic fibrosis. look back can be a good thing. He seems to be getting over the latest colds and ear infections OK so hopefully his heart is holding up too. Having new ALCAPA mom friends has been great. Although I wish there were no "club" it is nice that we are here to support each other in the journey. I think I have mentioned little Avery in Canada who may also need a heart transplant in the future. I also have been blessed with "meeting" Dana with 1 year old Addie. Addie's heart was repaired at 6 months after repeatedly being misdiagnosed as just acid reflux. She is doing great now and I am so happy for that. Dana is a sweetheart and a great support too.

Both Grandmas will be visiting soon with one day overlap between Grammy and Nonno and GiGI. Jerry has been making things for her (block structures, play do things) for about a month now and is upset when we take them apart so we are very excited to make something soon that we can keep for when she comes! I am having knee surgery on the 24th for a very old injury. I was scheduled to have surgery right before I found out I was expecting Jerry. Somehow it just hasn't fit into the schedule again. GiGi will be here to help out and here for Easter too.

This post is taking several days to complete!! Took Jerry to the urgicare today as he still has this cold and looks so awfully pale. Another pretty bad left ear infection. Ughhh.... I hope this is the last of it. He can't seem to fight anything off. The poor guy is so sick of taking his regular meds let alone antibiotics all the time!

1 comment:

  1. I've been thinking of you a lot and meaning to contact you. I'll be thinking of you especially on the 24th when you go in for knee surgery. Always something - huh?

    I hope Jerry's cold and ear infection clears up too. Poor guy. It appears he has an amazing attitude and sense of humor. So precious.
